Alley full of plants

This city kolkata is full of colours.We have purity of Kalimata Temple, fume of Azaan,solemn identity of St Paul's cathedral.
The charm and noise of kolkata drowned as the entire world is under the grasp of covid-19 virus.

The general festivity stopped, the vibrance has endangered, routined business interrupted coz the method to get rid of the pandemic covid-19 is "Social Distancing."

This sort of words are beyond our imagination else this is the result of the sin that we performed being social creature and contributing to the anti social activities.

Being the excellent creation of God we have never hesitated to exploit the other manifestations of him.That is the reason we are quarentined.The pollution reduced, less exploitation to nature, animals are roaming around the road.So this is the time when we should also be kind to nature.

While talking about nature it is important to protect greenaries.Make kitchen garden,nourish saplings in you balcony and rooftop.Make regular watering a noble practice.

In this scenario I would like to bring you a notice about the Galiff Street Sunday Haat!! It is my heart's content.The place makes me refresh and stressfree.On sundays the entire alley of galiff street witnessed an extravanza with enormous collection of saplings, kitchen plan, medicinal plants  decorative plants, pets , birds, fishes so on and so forth.

Though due to less community connect #Stay_at_home and #Break_the_chain motive it has suspended since last two weeks so do I miss it badly.

In this era of development while we are doing deforestation but on the other hand being the part of the same era they are promoting plantation.Though buying and selling of pets and birds are under the purview of criminal activities yet selling plants is a nobel cause.It is the place where many nurseries of Kolkata and outskirts are participating.The vendors of the HAAT accumulated their items from saturday midnight it opens till Sunday afternoon.It is a regular weekly celebration to nature in the smallest part of north kolkata.But it is temporarily suspended now due to corona virus.
Hope this dense gloomy cloud will be replaced by a glittering sunray.Hope the world will be all fine and safe,Hope people sould learn a lesson to protect the nature Hope the places like this will re-open soon with more enthusiasm and more charm.

Finger crossed🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞!!!!!!!!!
Lense work:-@Reetu


  1. Photography is mesmerizing like before and the content also. I was also missing the market on last Sunday ��. Hope soon it will be opened.


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