A Brisk walk to Dignagar

"Come I may but go I must.." This is how the profound longing of wanderlust depicted by the famous poet Sir Gerald Gould in his poem "WANDER THIRST". The soul of a traveler cannot confines himself or herself in a single corner of home and in the rotational monotonous life. But the emergence of the deadly pandemic have disrupted the boundless spirit of traveling soul. The confinement transforms into solidarity that the relentless roaming soul bound to stay back in a same settlement  for a long time. Though it is must, but the urge of a wanderer is hard to be enveloped in the inner core.

Fortunately in the gap between two extended lockdown I got a chance to explore for a short trip to Dignagar. It is basically 102 Kilometers from Kolkata. This cozy village is privileged to have the Historical creation of "JAL TUNGI" By Maharaja Kirtinarayan in the year 1710.

This is basically a small structure of house on a small square Island surrounded by water.It was a normal piece of structure earlier but later on the Government have taken the initiative to renovate the Heritage and added its aesthetic excellence. An amount of 39 Lacs have been invested behind the project that uplifted the beauty of the same. Moreover it got enlightened for evening spectators and an eco-park has also been formed surrounded by the JALTUNGI.This Eco Park has added an extra sight-quotient of the same.

Apart from this the tiny village has some other beautiful and simple pieces of Jagannath Temple and the temple of a widely worshipped Goddess. A holy place of religious practice is also there that the villagers believe that is the wish-Corner of the area.The serenity overflooded in every part of this village. 

Faraway from the pollution and mobbed city this piece of settlement creates its unique Kaarishma of Peace and Solemnness. Wide green alleys, Pond, chirping birds, Floated swans, trees holding the bouquet of unnamed flowers, the bed of paddy gifted me the utter bliss of vision.

In the city life we generally booze around to get refresh whereas this place has its toxicities of virgin beauty that soothes the soul.

The hassle of Social distancing, chances for spreading the contagious diseases became lenient here.So do I can conclude that the serenity is a bliss and the fright of the disease pretty less here.


  1. Dignagar comes alivey in your writing....๐Ÿ‘

  2. My village , feeling nostalgic... You have created more beautiful by your words๐Ÿ–Š️...

  3. Got opportunity to visit once. This village like a painting.


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