"Book is the best friend forever, without demand and without complaint"-But in this digital era the entire scenario is changing rapidly.Now a days we can see the advertisements to save trees.The paperbacks are replaced by e-books.Still now we can find out some book-buzz who can actually spend thousands of rupees to grab a rare collection.This is the spell of book.Though this generation is addicted by the virtual world,psp games,to some extent the psycho driven games but still we cannot forget Sherlock Holmes,Mrs Murple and Tintin and his adventures.Though we can see them is 3-Ds but still the comfort of reading rather to gobble every words with an immense speed adds some other flavors to it. Of course we should welcome the new technologies where as it is an inevitable part of our life but we should not loose our practice of reading books.We should be careful to our environment but we should enrich our moral values as well that we can uplift the thoughts of our society.It helps to eradicate illiteracy from our society by a cost-consuming way.one book can enrich the word-stocks, shape up the thoughts,enrich the imagination power where as video games are making the thoughts static.
                           Once the books were one and only mode of recreation,rather the best ever gifts where as the only source of knowledge but now a days the sources are multiplied.Now a days just one click gives us the wide sources of reading.But still the smell of the new paperback of book madly driven us into another world.On the other hand buying books are going to be more easier now a days due to the introduction of online shopping.Actually the fact of hope is that still now people are buying books online as well as from the stores.Though there are so many other ways of entertainment but still the business tycoons are interested to allot some book stores in shopping mall and even we can see a remarkable crowd in Book-Fair grounds as well.So now a days we should keep a balance in between our two friends environment and the book.


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