Sound: The power towards infinity

It was 8pm in Melbourne, and in an opera house, Jack and Sophia, along with the ballroom full of audiences, were shattered by the piercing sound of the opera singer. Sophia went for the first time to the opera, and the terrible shrill voice of the lady perhaps reached up to 100 decibels, so that the wine glasses in the ballroom gradually turned into pieces. Well, that might be an instance, but I must tell you that the power of sound is beyond imagination. Tan Sen invited Monsoon along with Malhaar Rag. Sound is one of the primitive powers that mankind witnessed. Sound brings language, which went through evolution in the form of vocabulary, novels, and literature. The Shiva Tandav is the personification of rage and destruction, while Veena's melodious symphony is the personification of creation. Each and every sound on this earth has its own significance. That is why if the dog barks with prolonged intonation, we predict some disaster. That is science, so the sound and vibrations can be accessed in medical technologies as well. Sound and listening share a complementary relationship with each other. Sometimes the act of listening becomes so effective that the expressions goes beyond the spoken-words to understand speech. The audio medium depicts visualization through the intonation and modulation of sound. The children can identify the birds and animals by differentiating their cries. So, sound and effective listening will create the periphery of imagination and understanding. That is how the power of sound can be applied through a communication process. A sound can be made or it can break. On one hand, vibration can rejuvenate the dead cells of the body through the proper application of medical technology via sound and radiology. On the other hand, it can break glass with its amplified voice. In 2005, the Discovery Channel television show Myth Busters proved that a voice alone could break glass. Rock singer Jamie Vendera shattered a wine glass with a 105-decibel wail. By comparison, normal speech is usually around 50 decibels. These case studies prove that sound carries a terrible power in the universe. We can modulate, we can modify, we can do transitions, but we are unable to understand the infinite existence of it. In the case of audio media, this sound is our power and this is our pride.


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