Sound: The power towards infinity

It was 8pm in Melbourne, and in an opera house, Jack and Sophia, along with the ballroom full of audiences, were shattered by the piercing sound of the opera singer. Sophia went for the first time to the opera, and the terrible shrill voice of the lady perhaps reached up to 100 decibels, so that the wine glasses in the ballroom gradually turned into pieces. Well, that might be an instance, but I must tell you that the power of sound is beyond imagination. Tan Sen invited Monsoon along with Malhaar Rag. Sound is one of the primitive powers that mankind witnessed. Sound brings language, which went through evolution in the form of vocabulary, novels, and literature. The Shiva Tandav is the personification of rage and destruction, while Veena's melodious symphony is the personification of creation. Each and every sound on this earth has its own significance. That is why if the dog barks with prolonged intonation, we predict some disaster. That is science, so the sound and vibrations ca...