Alley full of plants This city kolkata is full of colours.We have purity of Kalimata Temple, fume of Azaan,solemn identity of St Paul's cathedral. The charm and noise of kolkata drowned as the entire world is under the grasp of covid-19 virus. The general festivity stopped, the vibrance has endangered, routined business interrupted coz the method to get rid of the pandemic covid-19 is "Social Distancing." This sort of words are beyond our imagination else this is the result of the sin that we performed being social creature and contributing to the anti social activities. Being the excellent creation of God we have never hesitated to exploit the other manifestations of him.That is the reason we are quarentined.The pollution reduced, less exploitation to nature, animals are roaming around the road.So this is the time when we should also be kind to nature. While talking about nature it is important to protect greenaries.Make kitchen garden,nouris...